July 29, 2020


Today we planted some veggies and flowers in the garden patches outside the senior school classes and our school library. We will be harvesting, taking care of the gardens and enjoy some fresh veggies from our gardens.
We will post some photos soon when our gardens start to bloom.

July 28, 2020

Look at what we are upto in Reading this week

Victoria and Soloia are learning to summarise texts they read or videos they watch.  

 Ila has been learning to synthesize ideas from texts he reads or videos he watches.

Faafua and Karson are learning to ask and answer questions. They created questions from an article they read on stress from kiwikids News website.


July 22, 2020

Whaikorero (Speech) about Matariki using Te Reo Maori

We have been learning to introduce ourselves using Te Reo Maori and we also wrote a small information speech about Matariki using Te Reo Maori. Some of us have created our videos using screencastify on our chromebooks. This is our first go at using Te Reo Maori so please keep that in mind and if you would like to give us some feedback to improve ourselves then please leave a comment. Thank you and we hope you enjoy our mahi. 

July 2, 2020

Creating Pyramid Paper Diorama

Today in our class we are creating paper diorama's that are three dimensional and we will share our learning about Matariki on our diorama's we create in a group. 
For the past week or so we have been learning about Matariki in our class. We have really enjoyed learning about it and are doing some art this week to share our learning about Matariki. 
This is our screencastify showing us working on our diorama's. We used a video that had instructions on creating a pyramid diorama.