September 25, 2020

Speech Competition Winners and Participants

On Thursday 24th September we held the senior school speech competion. Each class in the senior school had 3 participants to present their speech in the finals. 

Our topis for the speech competition was "Heroes are ordinary people". All students wrote persuasively to present their ideas, opinions and statements in their speech. All 3 classes in the senior school had their own speech competition in their individual classes first and the teachers selected 3 students from each class to present their speech in the finals. 

Here are our participants and winners. We are so proud of these students and all the students in the senior school for having the courage to present their speeches with enthusiasm. All students did an amazing job. 

September 24, 2020

Our School Values

We have been creating DLO's (Digital learning objects) to share what our school values mean to us with a wider audience (As many people as we can share it with). We have created our videos using Powtoon. 


September 21, 2020

Passion Projects

This week we are working on a passion project. We are researching on something that interests us and learn more about it, create a DLO to share our new learning. These peojects are not complete yet as we only started these today. Please visit our individual blogs by the end of this week to check out some DLO's (Digital learning objects) we create to share our passion project. Here is a photo of the research plan template that we are using.
Here is the passion project site.



September 15, 2020

Maker-Y with Nane from Kootuitui ki Papakura

Today Nane showed us how to program Edison robots using bar codes.

It was so much fun!

September 14, 2020

Te Reo Maori Language Week

Go on the Te Reo Maori page on the class site and do the activities on it. Enjoy! Kia ora.

One of the activities we did today in class was this crossword about the native birds of Aotearoa, New Zealand.

September 12, 2020

Classroom Custom Designs

Currently, in Room 9 as part of our Arts programme we are designing our own classrooms. Hope you enjoy our custom designs.
We are still working on our designs, they are not complete yet. We should be posting our finished designs on our blogs by the end of the week. Please visit our individual blogs by scrolling on the right hand side. 

September 11, 2020

September 7, 2020

Our Lockdown Recount Writing

Auckland was in level 3 lockdown for 2 weeks in August. When we got back to school on 31st August we captured this time through recount writing.


Quiz Time

        Do this quiz from kiwikids news website.
Just click on the image here and enjoy the quiz.

September 1, 2020

School is back on!

1,425 students head back to school Aug. 7 – The Donalsonville News

Hi Room 9

Hope you are all doing well. Since you know that school opened yesterday and we have had 14 of us back and Manpreet.
If you are not sure about coming back to school then please email Manpreet. 

We are really practising good hand washing routine and keeping the classroom surfaces clean and sanitised.

We miss you and really would like you to come back to school this week. 
Don't forget to visit the class site to view your learning and read or hear important messages. See you soon!!!