October 28, 2020

Science Inquiry on Planet Earth and Beyond

This week in Room 9 we have started our new inquiry on Science and it's called "Planet Earth and Beyond". We will explore and learn some cool and fascinating facts about our very own planet Earth and other planets and things surrounding the outer space. Some photos of our's showing what we have been up to today.


October 21, 2020

Solving Word Problems Collaboratively


In Maths we have been solving word problems working collaboratively (in a group with our classmates). We have been learning to understand the word problem first and figure out what the question/problem is asking us to do and then work it out using a strategy that most of us want to use in our group and talk about why we used this strategy. 

These are the videos we have watched to help us understand how we can solve word problems and the strategies we can use to solve word problems. Hope you find these videos as helpful and informational as we found them. 

  Look at how we have gone about solving word problems since last week.  
 If you would like to view more of these then please visit our individual blogs. Thank you.

October 15, 2020

Creating Mood and Atmosphere in Writing


We are learning to notice or recognise how authors create mood and atmposhere. We will be exploring a variety of texts in the next few weeks and look at how authors use language to create mood and atmposhere in their writing.
Our goal is to be able to create mood and atmposhere in our own writing. Here is a warm up writing task we have been doing this week. If you have any questions then please let us know in the comments section. Thank you.  



October 13, 2020

Maker-Y with Nane from Kootuitui Ki Papakura


We are really fortunate to have Nane from Kootuitui Ki Papakura come to our class every Tuesday and work with us on coding and robotics. Today we learnt that when we are creating it is important to remember that there is no right or wrong and the idea is to keep trying and if we make a mistake then we just debug and keep working on creating something until we get there.