December 11, 2020

Summer Holidays -Time to participate in the summer learning journey programme! Yay!

Our 2020 Memory Books

For the past few days the students in Room 9 have been working on creating their memory books. If you wish to read these please visit our individual blogs and see how we have captured the year 2020 in our memory books. Have a fantastic festive season and summer holidays.  

December 9, 2020

Prizegiving 2020

Congratulations to all the recipients of certificates and awards. You all were rockstars and have done so well this year despite it being a year with a major pandemic hit year. Covid has taught us many things and the things that we mostly take for granted are things that are to be appreciated everyday and valued (taken care of). For if we take care of the small things, big things will come to us or happen. 

Value people, your family, friends, people who are there for you to help you. Value yourself. Always believe in yourself. It is ok not to know something, it is not ok not to try. 

Whether you received a certificate today or not, celebrate your success anyway coz you all have succeeded being great learners this year. 

Treat others the way you want to be treated. 

Be kind and happy. 

December 7, 2020

Memory Book 2020


Click here to make a copy of the memory book and please put it in your inquiry folder. Once completed share it on your blog.