July 29, 2019

As part of our Social Science inquiry we are inquiring into "Continuity and Change". We are looking at inspirational people in New Zealand of now and then and what life circumstances they faced and yet achieved what they achieved. Here is a presentation in it's initial stages(not complete) by Emora and Ema in Room 1 who are looking at 10 inspirational people that we decided as a class after a week of looking at the word inspiration and what roles change and continuity have played in these people's lives. Hope you enjoy their presentations. More presentations will be posted here soon.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kia ora Ema and Emora, We loved all of your people who you think are inspirarional. We also enijoyed reading all of the information.

    Ellakaye and Ruqayat

  3. Malo lelei Ema and Emora its Vaa and my buddy Neha. We really enjoyed reading your work and it was nice of you to put our teacher in it.Your work is fantastic because it really makes sense to all of us.keep up the good work also our question is how long did it take you guys to do the work.

  4. Talofa Lava Ema and Emora this is kavi and Albert we really think that your guys work is informational and really like how you put Manpreet the last famous person

  5. Kia Ora Ema and Emora, My name is Bella and I'm from Paroa school. I think your blog post is very inspiring and it can give a lot of people courage and bravery. One way you could improve is by maybe saying more things about these people.

    Haere Ra. Bella

    1. Kia Ora Bella, this is Ema and Ruqa from Edmund Hillary School. We appreciate how you think our 10 New Zealand blog post is inspiring. I will take your advice and thank you so much for commenting on our school blog.

    2. Kia Ora Ema and Emora,This is Mahara from your class and I really loved reading your sentence.It can be better if you write more about the people.If you want to comment on my blog or just have a look that is fine to but if you change you mine here is the blog link http://edhillmaharar.blogspot.com/

  6. Hi i'm Fraser all this people are inspirational.

  7. hi mack from paroa school i think theere insparational

  8. Hi im Dion from paroa school I agree they all have there ways to be insparational.


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