November 5, 2019

We have been learning about earthquakes as part of our Science inquiry in the first few weeks of this Term. Here is Neha, Victoria and Savannah's inquiry. If you would like to take the quiz they have created on slide 15, please give your email to them in the comments and they will share the quiz with you.


  1. KIA Ora This is Senric and Faafua we really like how you made a quiz and answers to slide ten.You guys really worked hard doing this. our Question is How did you make your Quiz?

  2. Hey, Victoria,Savannah & Neha, This is Brooklyn, Nathaniel, Kavel, vakasa & Joshua from room 2 and room 1. We really like your questions that you have made an hope you can make more. Our question is How long did it take you to make this google slide presentation on Earthquakes?

  3. Kia Ora, Victoria,Savannah and Neha this is Mista,Lie and Nese. We enjoyed reading and viewing your earthquake inquiry it was awesome. Our question is maybe you can make more questions on the quiz?

  4. Hi Victoria,Savannah and Neha this is is Tevita im here with my buddy's Sione,Aryan, & Kaiva,
    We like this post because our guys have good facts other people could get some ideas from this post.
    Maybe next time you should add facts on the 10th slide bye.

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  6. Tena koe Victoria, Savannah and Neha, we really enjoyed your science inquiry on earthquakes. Your quiz was really interesting to do, it had a lot of interesting questions to answer. We also really like all the information that you have put in. Keep up the good work!

    Ellakaye and Nese

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Kia ora Victoria, Savannah and Neha. I really found your inquiry fascinating and think it deserves a round of applause👏👏👏! I think that you worked very hard on this piece of brilliance!

    By Emora

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


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Positive - Something done well
Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what they had to say
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