May 19, 2020

What were we grateful for during the lockdown?

Like everyone around the world New Zealand has been in lockdown for more than 6 weeks to stop the transmission of Covid 19 into the communities. People have been brave and followed the rules and now because of our hard work we have been able to come under level 2.
We are very grateful for the lockdown being lifted and for many other things.

Today in class we did our feeling grateful activity. Some of us did it digitally and some of us did paper weaving. We weaved the people and organisations or things that supported us during the lockdown and for whom we are very grateful for.

Our class brainstorm


Some photos of the paper weaving some of us did


  1. Hi Room 9 This is Karson and I really like the weaving that you guys did and I will remember the time when I did the weaving with you guys :).

    1. AnonymousMay 20, 2020

      It has been really calming and nice to do this activity and remember the people and organisations that helped us during our time in lockdown.

  2. Hi room nine this is Neha. Everyone worked hard on there gratefulness activity. I hope everyone keeps on working hard.

    1. AnonymousMay 20, 2020

      Hi Neha, I agree with you everyone is so helpful to one another in Room 9 and have been working so hard since Monday. So nice to be back in class with you all.

  3. Kia Ora this was really fun and im so glad to be back to school I loved how we did the weaving it was really amazing.

    1. AnonymousMay 20, 2020

      Hi Victoria, I am glad you are having fun at school after coming out of lockdown. We will do more amazing fun activities together.

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  6. Hi room 9 this is kasa I'd like to say that I like your writing on what you grateful it really cool how you you guys were able to finish a lot of that was really cool keep up the good work.


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