June 10, 2020

In our class we have been learning about making inferences based on images and short stories. Today we created our own images for others to make inferences from. We used Google Draw to create our pictures. If you would like to view more images that we created please visit our individual blogs on the left hand side.

A video showing some of us sharing our inferences in groups.


  1. AnonymousJune 11, 2020

    Hi guys,I like how everyone did there picture,Luisa and Tina im guessing that your picture was about a sister was being spoiled,And Ila and Fafua I think its Dead pool and Batman was fighting.

  2. Kia ora,
    I really like how we all did our inference image and neha , fraise & Mahana I think a rat is eating a pizza and reading an newspaper in a trash can. GOOD JOB!
    By: Soloia

  3. Hi Luisapeta and Tina this is Neha from your class. I like your picture that you made. I think that the girl was a spoiled kid and the other girl stole are jewelry. Keep up the good work.

  4. Hi Room 9 these making inferences was so fun to make. :)


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