August 31, 2020

Back to school

Only a few students have come back in Room 9 but all of them are continuing using Google Meets to work with their classmates who are still home and doing online learning.

August 27, 2020

More than a Mountaineer read to you by Manpreet

We are learning about NZ heroes and today we have to choose a NZ hero and write about them and what they have achieved in their life. What makes them a hero? This is the link to our Heroes learning site.

August 26, 2020

We have been using Google drawings to share our learning on our blog.

Please visit our individual blogs if you would like to have a look at some more of our creations using Google Draw. Qualities of a hero

August 25, 2020

Discussion for 26th August @ our 9am Google Meet

Click here to hear Manpreet's response.

Qualities of a Hero

This week we have embarked upon our new inquiry unit on - Heroes and we will be particularly looking into New Zealand heroes. Yesterday we brainstormed some qualities that we think a hero has. Here are some brainstorms the students did.
Ana's is the first one, then Vakasa and then Neha. The last one is named.

August 21, 2020

Blog post for the day

Today's most recommended blog post is Ana's in our class. Every Friday we have decided to do some fun activities as part of our online learning. Look at what Ana did.

August 20, 2020

Room 9's Daily Writing Tasks

We are writing a paragraph or sharing our ideas using bullet points on the writing prompt for the day. A prompt could be a question, a statement, an opinion or an idea. 

Ana's writing from 19th August. 

Tevita's writing from 19th August. 

August 17, 2020

Awesome Online Learners

Some snippets of awesome learning that most students in Room 9 have been doing since Auckland went into level 3 lockdown on 12th August.

We have been learning to write letters. We are writing to a pen pal at a school in Pukekohe and also thank you letters to people who we think have done something for us that we are grateful for.

Dear Pen Pal,

My name is Neha and I'm 10 years old. I have one brother, and
he is older than me. Do you have any brothers or sisters? If yes
then are they older and younger than you? We are a family of
four. Both my parents are working and my brother is a motor
mechanic. My family comes from Fiji. I was born in Auckland. 

I live in Auckland, New Zealand. I go to Edmund Hillary School
and I am in year 5. There are 30 students in my class. I like
going to school and my favourite subject is Maths. My
teacher’s name is Manpreet and she is from India. I really l
ike her. My favourite sports are soccer and tennis. I
play everyday during breaks in school. I also play
in the park close to my house. 

My cousins come to my house too. In New Zealand
there are lots of amazing and attractive places like
Skyline Gondola, Huka falls, Mt Ruapehu, Sky Tower
and many more. I have been to these places with
my family and I really enjoyed it. My favorite place is
Skyline Rotorua.

I hope to hear from you sometime. 
Take care in the lockdown in Auckland.

Best wishes


  Dear: Manpreet
    Tina and I would like to thank you for
everything you have done for us and for
teaching us how to show respect and making
us smart, and teaching us new things we have
learnt about new things because of  you Your
the best teacher ever in our school You have
done everything for room 9 even If someone
is sad you always make their day  happy and
even us, your always a kind  and caring Teacher
in the class.Sometimes you are growly but always
for a reason sometime when the boys are not
lisiening you have to tell them off  and when
us girls are not listening you have to tell us
off we really appreciate what you have done
for us we give this to you as a gift. Thank
you for giving us more chances before you
take our free time away.

                                By: Tina and Luisapeta 

August 15, 2020

Amazing Bloggers of Room 9

Covid 19 can stop us from going to school but it cannot stop us from learning, from doing work together using Google hangouts, from going on our class site and doing our learning.

There has been some awesome learning that some of the students from Room 9 have been doing in the first three days of online learning under level 3 lockdown.

Some of them have had their first go at creating a Powtoon (Digital learning object) to share their learning. Please click on these student blogs on the left hand side of this blog.

Luisapeta, Victoria, Patrick, Faafua, Tina and Fraise.

August 12, 2020

Covid 19 Update

School is currently closed for all students, except children of essential workers. You can do all your learning from your class site and your drive. Please email Manpreet if you have any questions. Take care and stay safe. Look after yourselves and your whanau.
Kia Kaha.

August 11, 2020

Show Not Tell

Some of us are learning to show not tell in our writing. We are working on writing more detailed sentences by using descriptive language. 
Here are some examples of our learning we have been doing.

August 5, 2020

Cook Island Language Week

We are learning about the Cook Island language. We are learning to say hello, ask how are you to someone and know some more basic things about this beautiful language from one our neighbouring island nations. We are also making a class quilt with Tivaeva patterns and floral patterns. We worked in groups to create these presentations about the Cook Island language.


Our Latest Visual Art

Things that make us happy emoji art and koru art.