May 28, 2019

Google Slide Presentations on New Zealand. As part of our Social Science unit of studies we have been learning about New Zealand as a place. We explored things like it's climate, location, environment, wildlife and culture. Students chose 8 different aspects to find information on from a list of ideas shared with them.


  1. AnonymousMay 30, 2019

    Hi Neha and Elena I really enjoyed reading this inquiry on NZ I loved everything about it like your brain storm and your information. Next time could you us better colours for the backgrounds.

    1. AnonymousJune 14, 2019

      Thank you for saying that and yes we will put more colours for the backgrounds

    2. kia ora
      Hi, this is Neha.Yes next time we will make the background better colors.Next time could you write your name please?

    3. AnonymousJune 19, 2019

      Kia Ora
      Hi this is Elena. Yes we will make our background have more colours in the background.

  2. AnonymousMay 31, 2019

    Hi its Emma from paroa school
    I really like how you have put lot of colour
    Keep up the good work!

  3. AnonymousMay 31, 2019

    Hi it's Lucy fro Paroa school
    I really like how you have it all organised and there is so much colour. What was you favorite part?

  4. Hello Neha and Elena. I love your presentation on New Zealand and I love your creative colourful background you suggested. Maybe next time you should make your text box colour a bit more lighter because I couldn't really see what you have written but your information report on NZ was amazing.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Namaste it's Karson and Faafua and we love how you have put a lot of detail and writing and how you have prof read and gave us a lot of information for us Great work Joshua and Senric. πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€

  6. Talofa lava this is Vaa and Viena your classmates we really enjoyed reading your presentation on NZ we love what you have done and next do more information on wildlife paragraph.

  7. Kia ora Ema, Ilaisaane and Victoria I really like how creative your New Zealand presentation is. Maybe next time you could add some more information about what you already know about New Zealand.

  8. AnonymousJune 06, 2019

    Hi it's Aysha from your class
    I really enjoyed reading this information about NZ it really let me know more about NZ. My question for you is next time could you add more pictures or information to cover up the gaps.


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