September 5, 2019

We have been inquiring into what Sound is in Room 1 as part of our Science Inquiry. Hope you enjoy listening to what Ema, Victoria and Viena have to tell you about what they have found out about Sound.


  1. Hi Manpreet school! I have no doubt you worked very hard on this, But you could make it BTB my opening it to the public. Ciao!

    1. Hi Carter,
      Thank you for your comment. We have just changed the sharing settings so hopefully it works now. Hey just to let you know it's not Manpreet School... It's Edmund Hillary School and the teacher's name is Manpreet.
      Ema, Victoria and Viena

    2. Hi, Thanks for responding to my comment, I love the video and find it great how you adjusted it to make it open to the public, Ka Pai! I didn't know some of those facts! I can relate to this from our science videos we done. Keep up the great work!

  2. Tena koe Ema, Victoria and Viena. I really loved your video on sound, I also thought that it was thoughtful and creative.


    1. Tena koe Ellakaye this is Ema and Nese. Thank you for complimenting on our video, we thought that was thoughtful!

  3. Kia Ora Ema, Victoria and Viena. I really loved your video on Sounds, your speaking is amazing and I also like when you guys introduce yourself.Good work!


    1. kia ora Soloia this is Viena and i read your wonderful comment and i hope you know more about sound while you were watching the video.


  4. talofa Emma and Victoria and Viena it is Murray from room 1 i really like your sound video and now i know about vibration.

    1. Talofa lava Murry this is Viena your classmate thank you for your comment and I hope you know about Sound.

  5. Hi Ema,Victoria and Viena this is Savannah and Ilaisaane .We really loved the video you guys did on sounds because we got to know more about sounds.Well done keep up the good work!

  6. Kia ora this is Viena and I have read your wonderful comment and i hope you more about sounds while watching this video


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