September 2, 2019

We are learning to understand and solve word problems.


  1. Hello class, this is Ema and Victoria. Your working you have shown is well done and it is showing you understand what your learning and these math challenges are very useful and helpful because your activating your prior knowledge too.

  2. Hi Ellakaye and Ruqa, this is Ilaisaane and Soloia. We like how you guys work out the answer together and showed how you had worked out the answer together.Great work!

  3. Tena koe, Ila and Faafua. We realy liked how you have done your working and how you solved it. We also really liked the way you put your working on the side.

    Ellakaye and Nese

  4. Kia Ora Ellakaye and Ruqa this is Savannah and Ilaisaane. We love the lovely work you have done for the math challenges because it shows that you understand the questions.Well done!

    1. Tena koe Savannah and Ilaisaane, thank you for the wonderful comment. We really appreciate the feedback.

      Ellakaye and Ruqayat

  5. Talofa Ellakaye and Ruqa this is Murray I like the math challenge it is very helpful for people.

  6. Hi Ellakaye and Ruqa this is Angel your classmate in room 1 I really like your how you work out math problems it was very good

  7. HI Ellakaye and Ruqa this is Angel your classmate in room 1 I really like how you worked out your math problems in the math challenges.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


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