August 28, 2019

Narrative Writing

We are learning to structure our stories using an orientation (introduction), complication(Problem) and resolution (Solution).

August 16, 2019

Koru Art

In Room 1 we created an Art Piece with koru patterns on it. Koru means growth and we all are going to look at this piece of art and remember that we are all growing in our learning journey.

August 12, 2019

Student inquiry presentations on inspirational people in New Zealand and 10 inspirational people in the world.

In Room 1 students have been exploring what inspiration means, how we look at some people for inspiration and learn from their achievements.

June 12, 2019

We are learning about the States of Matter.

Look at Emora's Google Draw on the Water Cycle. Look at Ellakaye and Victoria's Google Draw on a task they did as part of their learning.

May 13, 2019

On 14th May we are going to Camp Adair for 4 days. YAY! We are so lucky and thankful to all the organisations that have made it possible for us to go to camp. We are thankful to our lovely principal Raina and Naomi who have worked so hard to request many organisations and people to donate money to us so we can attend camp.

Some tasks that we have done before going to camp like we have written a summary of what each organisation that has helped us and what they do and we have completed a Vocab list and a scenario task. Hope you enjoy reading some of the student's responses and work.

May 3, 2019

What we already know about New Zealand? We used the brainstorming key to write what we already know about New Zealand.

In Term 2 for the first 5 weeks we are zooming into the subject of Social Sciences and learning about New Zealand - Place, Environment and Landmarks. We will choose 8 things from the list our teacher has provided us with and research about those 8 things. Hope you learn something from our brainstorms.

Our Holiday Recounts

Ellakaye's Recount Karson and Nathaniel's Recount Joshua and Senric's Recount Soloia's Recount Victoria and Ema's Recount

April 5, 2019

Information reports on Animal Groups

In Room 1 we have been learning to write information reports. Information report on Animal Groups by Ellakaye and Viena Information report on Animal Groups by Neha, Vaa and Mahana

April 2, 2019

Art Lessons with Losalina - The Artist

We are fortunate to have Losalina come into our class every Tuesday from 9 am to 10 am and she teaches us different art forms. 

Today we made designs and patterns that will go on a panel that represent the diversity in our school. 

April 1, 2019

Duffy Role Model Assembly

We had Marc Duffy come into our school to talk about his life and how he became the awesome person he is. 

We learnt the following things from his story- 
  • Never give up 
  • Believe in yourself 
  • Be brave 
  • Say to yourself that you are GREAT 
  • You can change for the better if you try and make the right choices
  • Stay at school
  • Read lots
  • Work hard 
All the certificate receivers with Marc Duffy. Toa and Mahara received certificates from Room 1 for their excellent effort in Reading and learning.   

March 5, 2019

Figure Me Out!

Room 1 has been making questions for their classmates and the teacher to figure out that's all to do with them. Their house number, age, year level, how many siblings they have and their parents age. Here are some photos of our work.